Hello Reader! Did You Miss Me Last Friday? I Missed You! I had every intention of sitting down to chat, but instead, I spent most of last week painting… and painting… and painting! Almost my whole downstairs got a fresh coat, and by the end of it, I was too tired to do much else. But by the time you’re reading this, I’ll be off on an extended weekend adventure with my youngest granddaughter—oh, what joy! That means a nine-hour road trip, which could have me stressing over laundry, packing,...
14 days ago • 1 min read
Hello beautiful Reader, I hope you're feeling warmer today. I'm finally a little warmer because we had a break in the fridged temps. Spring is on its way!!✅ First things first: ✅ Did you do February's Love Bible Reading Plan? If so, you might have noticed that Day 28: Zepaniah 33:3 isn't possible since there aren't that many chapters. ✅ The correct verse is Zephaniah 3:17 😊 ✅ Print the corrected FREE Love Bible Reading Plan HERE! ✅ Next up: March 1st is on Saturday!! We start the Hope in...
29 days ago • 1 min read
Hey Reader,I'm sitting at my desk looking out the window at a yard covered with icy snow. It's been such a cold winter, and I'm looking forward to warmer days. They have to be coming soon, right? Even if you live in the south, it's been a chilly season! I have chicken soup simmering in the slow cooker and just took banana bread out of the oven. The house smells amazing! I'm sipping my mocha, which stays warm on this little warmer-thingy my hubby got me for Christmas—such a thoughtful gift!...
about 1 month ago • 2 min read
Hello Reader, Before I forget, Happy Valentine's Day! Don't forget to pass on God's steadfast love to those you love! Ever feel like your morning takes off and leaves you behind?It's easy to feel like that when you didn't get enough sleep or life is beyond hard. On mornings like that, time easily slips by without time alone with Jesus.When that happens to me, I'm irritable, and things in my day fall apart. It's like a domino effect where one thing collapses and knocks the whole row down....
about 1 month ago • 1 min read
Hey Reader, Have you ever walked through a season where you felt unloved or unappreciated? Maybe love was rarely expressed in your childhood home, or perhaps marriage has its ups and downs. Maybe your relationship with your children—whether they’re grown or still young—feels strained. If that’s where you are, take heart! There is hope. I was blessed with wonderful parents, and my childhood was filled with love. But when I hit my teen years, I became my own biggest challenge. Even in the best...
about 2 months ago • 1 min read
Hello, Sweet Reader, I've had days when I was so extremely exhausted that it was hard to get through my day . . . but I had to because my family depended on me. Have you been there too? Loving Like Jesus When You’re Exhausted “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” — Matthew 11:28 Love is easy when life feels light, but what about when you’re drained, overwhelmed, and just plain exhausted? When burnout creeps in, loving others—even those closest to...
about 2 months ago • 2 min read
Hello Reader, January was such a cold month and I'm looking forward to February hoping it will warm up slightly. When we hope, we're looking forward to something we cannot yet see. We have faith that it will happen. More important than faith and hope is learning to love. Learning to love God! Learning to love others! That's why I'm so excited about this year's February's Bible Reading Plan! I've shared the Love Bible Reading Challenge for the past eight years with several revisions. This is...
about 2 months ago • 1 min read
Hey there Reader! Have you ever struggled because you thought you weren't enough? You know, that feeling that might have entered your heart because of someone in your past. Maybe that less than enough feeling came about all on its own. As women, we so often play the comparison game that brings us down into the pit of despair or depression. The only solution is when we discover our identity is in Jesus. We fall short of the glory of God and it's true, we are not enough . . .BUT God!As we learn...
about 2 months ago • 1 min read
Hello, Grace-Filled Friend! Can you believe we’re wrapping up Renew Me, our Bible Reading Plan for this month? What an incredible journey it’s been to dive into God’s Word together! I hope it has renewed your heart and spirit as much as it has mine. 💖 Download the FREE Renew Me Bible Reading Plan ✨ What’s Next?Stay tuned! Next week, I’ll be announcing February’s Bible Reading Plan and Study! I’m so excited to share what’s in store as we continue growing in God’s grace and truth. 📖 New on the...
2 months ago • 1 min read